Daddy, Every year, your birthday reminds me how grateful I am that you are my father.
Throughout the years, you’ve worked so hard to provide us a happy life,
You’ve been there to help and give advice and you did it all without strife.
A dad who fulfills all his duties,
I want you to know, you're with me in spirit wherever I go.
You may have thought I didn't see or that I hadn't heard Life lessons that you taught to me But I got every word.
Perhaps you thought I missed it all and that we'd grow apart. But Dad, I picked up everything, It's written on my heart.
Without you, Dad, I wouldn't be
The woman I am today. You built a strong foundation that No one can take away.
I've grown up with your values and I'm very glad I did.
My father is essential to My life and happiness.
My feelings are so strong for him,
My heart cannot express.
There's so much more about my dad that I would like to say,
But now I'll end by saying to you Dad,
That is why on this day each year, I pray all your wishes come true..
Today we celebrate your life, Happy birthday and Happy Fathers day to the best dad I know, A father I love and respect.

A pray for Lovely Daddy..
Lord, please bless our fathers,
these men who mean so much to us,
who are greatly responsible
for who we are and who we are becoming.
Bless them for having the courage
to do what’s necessary to keep us out of trouble,
for making us do the right thing,
for helping us build our character,
even when it makes us angry;
and bless them for pushing us to do our best,
even when they just want to love us.
Bless our fathers for being our protectors,
for leading us through stormy times to safety,
for making us believe that everything will be all right
and for making it so.
Bless our fathers for quietly making a living
to provide for those they love most,
for giving us food, clothing, shelter
and other necessary and not so necessary material things,
for unselfishly investing time and money in us
that they could have spent on themselves.
Bless our fathers, Lord,
for saving some energy for fun,
for leading us on adventures
to explore the outer reaches of ourselves,
for making us laugh,
for being our playmates and our friends.
Bless them for being our secure foundation, our rock,
for holding on tight to us...until it’s time to let us go.
Lord, bless these men we look up to,
our role models, our heroes,
our fathers.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen

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